Image by maja7777 from Pixabay I thought of coming up with a special, catchy title, but nothing seemed better than just the purity of the topic itself. Speaking of purity, finding purity spiritually has its connections to diet and most have pointed to a plant-based diet. Religions have their own codes of eating. Most conservative and orthodox Jews follow teachings in the Torah (Old Testament) to abstain from eating "impure" animals like pork and their food should be prepared by a trained or licensed Jewish butcher. Seventh-Day Adventists and some Buddhist groups are encouraged to abstain from meat altogether and be vegetarians. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints follow a "Word of Wisdom" which includes abstaining from alcohol, coffee, tea, and tobacco and eating mostly plants and meats sparingly. These codes of eating were all developed long before science knew much about the topic. Interestingly enough, Research on Seventh-Day Adventists a...